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An ongoing initiative, we piloted a trilateral coordination mechanism between institutions, the diaspora & the private sector. Based on our research findings (policy brief can be accessed here) – in partnership with the Foreign Policy Centre – the series of workshops bring together stakeholders in order to identify best practices and sectorial needs, diaspora contributions (i.e. crowdfunding, donations) – smart targeting as to avoid duplication of efforts, increase transparency, as well as resilience at national  transnational levels. 



We partnered with Romanian Women in the UK, a diaspora organisation based in London, to bridge civil society and Romanian institutions in tackling the effects of a global pandemic. Preliminary research output, a policy brief on diaspora mobilisation during Covid-19 has been published by the Foreign Policy Centre, a London think-tank. We would like to acknowledge all those having participated in the debates, and with whom we still collaborate on various projects and initiatives.



On the backdrop of a devastating global pandemic, which exposed the level of unpreparedness we sought to identify ways to maximise diaspora contributions, complementary to government efforts in tackling the pandemic and its shattering effects. The Romanian diaspora has amply shown its capacity to mobilise donations from the very beginning, and hence we sought to map initiatives and best practices, whilst brainstorming how to contribute further, informed by actual needs and institutional cooperation frameworks.

The scope of our bridging initiative is a tri-lateral coordination mechanism between diaspora organisations / communities, institutions and the private sector to identify specific sectorial needs towards which the diaspora can contribute. This dialogue would also help the diaspora effectively tailor its assistance, by avoiding the duplication of efforts, whilst institutions develop an informed approach in mitigating the crisis. 


For this pilot project, still in its infancy we proposed three steering workshops, which would help us guide interventions during the pandemic and beyond.

§ The 1st brought together institutions and diaspora groups to identify needs and potential contributions.

§ The 2nd upcoming workshop aims to foster discussions with the private sector about how we can strengthen our crisis mitigation efforts, by mobilising resources in a coordinated manner.

§ The 3rd upcoming workshop will bring together public experts, entrepreneurs, diaspora organisations, and the public administration to discuss future coordination mechanisms and how we can institutionalise this practice. 



A first policy brief published by the Foreign Policy Centre, a London based think tank, maps diaspora mobilization during the pandemic, tracing the risks and experiences of vulnerable communities abroad, attempting to raise institutional awareness and summing common points of interest and action from diaspora organisations and the public administration, following the first preliminary discussions. Read it here or follow the link.

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